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iTero Scanner

The restorations and appliances used to restore and protect your mouth involve high levels of customization. Traditionally, hours of hand labor in a dental laboratory are invested in these precise products. With the adoption of more technology into dentistry, digital imaging continues to grow in importance.

Most restorations begin with a mold of your mouth that involves messy impression materials. With the Itero Digital Scanner, you can say goodbye to the mess. Itero eliminates this step, replacing it with simple digital images captured with a handheld wand. The images quickly appear on a computer monitor as 3-D models of your teeth. Drs. Edwards and Lasley review the enlarged detailed images, ensuring that the information meets the Deschutes River Dentistry standard.

With a simple click of the mouse, the files are instantly transferred via the internet to begin the process of designing your restoration or other prescribed treatment.  Reduced shipping time expedites the return of your case to our office while ensuring you receive all the advantages of digital impressions:

  • NO messy impressions
  • INSTANT images for review
  • DETAILED reproduction for better outcomes
  • FASTER case completion
  • EXCEPTIONAL fitting restorations and appliances

We look forward to introducing you to the innovation of modern dentistry.  Itero provides one more reason to discover a different kind of dental experience at Deschutes River Dentistry.